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Dual CGRP ligand mAb and gepant therapy reduces headache severity

Dual therapy with a CGRP ligand mAb and a small molecule CGRP antagonist can improve migraine symptom control by significantly reducing headache severity and aura symptoms, without significant adverse events. This is the conclusion of a retrospective matched cohort study of 90 adults with chronic migraine taking anti-CGRP therapy, 28 of whom used dual therapy …

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CGRP-mAb switching yields migraine day reduction

Following inadequate initial treatment response, switching to a different CGRP mAb reduces monthly migraine days compared to returning to standard care, according to results of a controlled cohort study of 67 patients who discontinued their erenumab or fremanezumab treatment within three months of initiation. Three months after treatment discontinuation, there was a reduction of 3.9 …

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Lower switching rates with atogepant than CGRP mAbs

Atogepant users are significantly less likely to switch to another branded preventive treatment within one year of treatment initiation than CGRP mAb users, an analysis of US claims data from over 5000 patients starting treatment from October 2022 to June 2023 has shown. The study included 641 patients who initiated treatment with atogepant and 3,594 …

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EMBRACE shows erenumab reduces migraine severity

Patients with high frequency episodic migraine (HFEM) treated with erenumab in the Phase 4 EMBRACE study reported significantly fewer hours with a moderate or severe headache each month, and less impact of migraine on usual activities, physical, social and emotional functioning compared to those treated with placebo. In the 510 participants with HFEM receiving erenumab …

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Older patients benefit from CGRP mAbs too

Real world data from 25 centres contributing to the I-GRAINE registry in Italy, highlight the clinical efficacy and safety of CGRP mAbs at all adult ages and have led researchers to support their suitability in older patients with potential contraindications to other preventive agents for migraine. A total of 1890 patients with migraine took part …

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DELIVER shows long term QoL benefits with eptinezumab

Patients with ≥50% migraine response to eptinezumab 100 mg or 300 mg over weeks 1–12 continue to show improvements in monthly migraine days (MMD), headache-related impact, presenteeism, and percentage of severe migraine attacks over 72 weeks. A post hoc analysis of long term DELIVER results in 865 patients has shown that ≥50% responders treated with …

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